Ozark Uplift Is Our Geological Grounding to Get Through This


Northwest Arkansas sits on a big, ancient piece of rock called the Ozark Uplift.  Our mountains are made of it.  Right now we need that solid grounding more than ever as we breath our way through covid times.

It’s not fun being a covid hotspot.  Don’t be ashamed to admit it’s scary, because it’s scary.  Even when  you’re safe and comfy in a lovely home, the danger lurks both for you and people you love.

We need every resource available to move through this as a connected and cohesive community.   We’re doing our best.  Solidarity and mutual help groups are springing up in wonderful ways.  And many people are putting their life energy into helping each other. But the fear is lurking.

Special thanks to Mayor Lioneld Jordan and our good city Aldermen for recognizing the wisdom of convening a group of health professionals to guide them to cope with things.  And to the dedicated and brave health professionals who show up every day to a workplace that could kill because there are sick people who need them.

What’s feeding your soul right now?  What solid rock is giving you some sense of grounding to get out of bed and look the day in the face?  Here’s some things people have told me:

“My garden’s so beautiful. I can’t stop working on it”

“I’m writing real letters to people again, and some write me back!”

“I’ve read more than I have in my whole life, but I have to stop reading Octavia Butler”

“I turned off the news” (more than one comment)

 “I think I may finish the memoire I’ve been writing for five years.”

“I’m so loving the birds in my yard.  They just feed my soul.”

How about you? What’s feeding your soul?

Omni just opened a new facebook group we’ll call “Ozark Uplift”.  It’s a group to share some of those things that uplift you during covid times.  There’s room here for writings, images, videos or re-posts that  uplift, encourage, open, nurture, connect, comfort, ground, sustain, entertain, and inspire us simple folk through this hard time. 

Put in a photo of the birds in your garden, or a favorite inspiring poem, some of your own writing, or quotes from a writer you love.  Jokes are ok too. There are masters of that art form in this town. When you share a gift this way it comes back to you 100-fold. 

The Uplift will endure… the mountains under our feet.  We’re only here for a breath or two.  Bring a bit of your heart along with you on this journey we share as we stroll through the Ozark Uplift during covid times.

Facebook link  https://www.facebook.com/groups/338007737189521/

Sams Throne October 2012.


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